据报道,在一系列欺诈事件中, 一名男子从杰克的Revolut商业账户中窃取了165,000英, 超过了主要银行. Man stole £165,000 from Jack's Revolut business account amid a surge of fraud reports, surpassing major banks.
一位名叫杰克的男子向 BBC Panorama 报告说,在骗子绕过公司的身份验证后,他的 Revolut 商业账户被盗了 165,000 英镑。 A man named Jack reported to BBC Panorama that £165,000 was stolen from his Revolut business account after scammers bypassed the company's ID verification. 这一事件是更大趋势的一部分,因为 Revolut 在一年内有近 10,000 份欺诈报告被提及,超过了主要银行。 This incident is part of a larger trend, as Revolut was mentioned in nearly 10,000 fraud reports in a year, surpassing major banks. 尽管声称对欺诈进行了严格的控制,但Revolut仍面临着严格的审查和调查, Despite claiming robust fraud controls, Revolut faces scrutiny and investigations, especially following new regulations requiring reimbursement for fraud victims.