Kylian Mbappe否认警方正在进行的调查中存在强奸和性骚扰指控。 Kylian Mbappe denies rape and sexual harassment allegations in ongoing police investigation.
Kylian Mbappe是法国足球明星, 为Real Madrid效力, 否认瑞典报纸Aftonbladet报导的强奸和性骚扰指控。 Kylian Mbappe, the French football star playing for Real Madrid, has denied rape and sexual harassment allegations reported by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. 这些指称与他在访问斯德哥尔摩期间发生的一起事件有关,现正受到警方的调查。 The claims, linked to an incident during his visit to Stockholm, are under police investigation. Mbappe将指控贴上“假消息”, 并暗示他与前巴黎Saint-Germain俱乐部在未支付工资问题上的争议有牵连。 Mbappe labeled the accusations as "fake news" and suggested a connection to his ongoing dispute with former club Paris Saint-Germain over unpaid wages. 此案中没有嫌疑人。 No suspects have been named in the case.