瑞典检察官由于缺乏证据,结束了与Kylian Mbappé来访有关的强奸调查。 Swedish prosecutors closed a rape investigation tied to Kylian Mbappé's visit due to lack of evidence.
瑞典检察官因证据不足,结束了与Kylian Mbappé10月访问斯德哥尔摩有关的强奸调查。 Swedish prosecutors have closed a rape investigation linked to Kylian Mbappé's visit to Stockholm in October due to insufficient evidence. 该案件以据称在一家旅馆发生的一起事件为中心,但检察官并未将Mbappé列为嫌疑人。 The case centered on an alleged incident at a hotel, but prosecutors did not name Mbappé as a suspect. 尽管瑞典媒体猜测Mbappé是焦点,但他的法律团队以前认为这些报告是假的。 Despite Swedish media speculating that Mbappé was the focus, his legal team had previously dismissed these reports as false.