标准银行约翰内斯堡总部的女雇员在从六楼倒下后死亡,可能与心理健康斗争有关。 Female employee at Standard Bank's Johannesburg head office died after falling from the sixth floor, possibly related to mental health struggles.
标准银行约翰内斯堡总部的一名女雇员在从六楼倒下后死亡,报告表明她以前曾与同事讨论过心理健康问题。 A female employee at Standard Bank's Johannesburg head office died after falling from the sixth floor, with reports indicating she had previously discussed mental health struggles with colleagues. 事件发生在世界心理健康日前夕。 The incident occurred just before World Mental Health Day. 标准银行因在最初的回应中没有将该事件标记为自杀而受到批评。 Standard Bank has faced criticism for not labeling the event as a suicide in its initial response. Gauteng警方已展开调查,银行正在配合调查,同时支持受影响的同事。 Gauteng police have opened an inquest, and the bank is cooperating with the investigation while supporting affected coworkers.