在芝加哥的一场音乐会上,有狂犬病携带蝙蝠在场,促使卫生官员发出潜在接触的警告。 During a Chicago concert, rabies-carrying bats were present, prompting health officials' warnings for potential exposure.
9 月 12 日在芝加哥 The Salt Shed 举行的一场音乐会上,与会者可能遇到了携带狂犬病的蝙蝠。 During a concert at The Salt Shed in Chicago on September 12, attendees may have encountered rabies-carrying bats. 芝加哥公共卫生部敦促任何被咬、划伤或与蝙蝠直接接触的人迅速就接触后狂犬病的预防寻求医疗咨询。 The Chicago Department of Public Health has urged anyone bitten, scratched, or in direct contact with a bat to seek medical advice promptly for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. 卫生官员警告说,虽然一些当地蝙蝠可能携带狂犬病,但另一些则不携带狂犬病,这突出表明人们日益关注该市的蝙蝠咬伤问题。 Health officials caution that while some local bats may carry rabies, others do not, highlighting an increasing concern over bat bites in the city.