27岁的Winston Cristobal在圣地亚哥县因八起纵火事件被捕,造成70多万美元的损失。 27-year-old Winston Cristobal arrested for eight arson fires in San Diego County, causing over $700,000 in damages.
Winston Cristobal, 27岁,据称因9月21日至10月11日期间在圣迭戈县纵火8起而被捕,主要在Encinitas和Carlsbad的建筑工地附近,造成70多万美元的损失。 Winston Cristobal, a 27-year-old man, has been arrested for allegedly setting eight arson fires in San Diego County between September 21 and October 11, primarily near construction sites in Encinitas and Carlsbad, causing over $700,000 in damages. 圣地亚哥县治安官的炸弹/纵火小组与其他机构一起进行了调查。 The San Diego County Sheriff's Bomb/Arson Unit, along with other agencies, conducted the investigation. Cristobal面临纵火、破坏和非法侵入的指控。 Cristobal faces charges of arson, vandalism, and trespassing. 敦促居民报告可疑活动。 Residents are urged to report suspicious activity.