到2021年,乌兹别克斯坦的汽车拥有率从每100户21人增加到57人,头九个月的汽车销售额超过303 000辆。 Uzbekistan's car ownership rate increased from 21 to 57 per 100 households by 2021, with over 303,000 car sales in the first nine months.
在过去十年中,乌兹别克斯坦的个人汽车所有权显著增加。 Uzbekistan has experienced a notable rise in personal automobile ownership over the past decade. 根据国家统计机构的报告,到2021年9月,每100户家庭有57辆汽车,比2010年的21辆有所增加。 By September 2021, there were 57 cars per 100 households, up from 21 in 2010, as reported by the nation's statistics agency. 此外,2021年头九个月的汽车销售量超过303 000个单位,突出表明全国车辆拥有量呈上升趋势。 Additionally, car sales in the first nine months of 2021 exceeded 303,000 units, highlighting the growing trend in vehicle ownership across the country.