乌兹别克斯坦的目标是到2025年将其国内生产总值翻一番,达到1 200亿美元,同时进行重大投资和出口增长。 Uzbekistan targets doubling its GDP to $120 billion by 2025 with major investments and export growth.
乌兹别克斯坦的目标是到2025年将其国内生产总值增加一倍,达到1 200亿美元,将出口增加到300亿美元,并吸引超过420亿美元的投资。 Uzbekistan aims to double its GDP to $120 billion by 2025, increase exports to $30 billion, and attract over $42 billion in investments. 该国的经济增长预计将在2024年达到6.0-6.5%,其推动因素是投资增加和私营部门蓬勃发展。 The country's economic growth is projected to reach 6.0-6.5% in 2024, driven by increased investments and a thriving private sector. 政府还计划创造500万个新的就业机会并减少贫穷。 The government also plans to create 5 million new jobs and reduce poverty. 最近的数字表明,国内生产总值增长6.3%,达到1 110亿美元以上,出口超过260亿美元。 Recent figures show a 6.3% growth in GDP, reaching over $111 billion, with exports exceeding $26 billion.