新加坡反对党领袖Pritam Singh于10月14日面临审判, Opposition leader Pritam Singh in Singapore faces trial on October 14 for allegedly lying to a parliamentary committee concerning false claims of sexual assault.
新加坡反对党领袖Pritam Singh因涉嫌在调查前国会议员Raeesah Khan关于性攻击事件的虚假指控期间向特权委员会撒谎而于10月14日受审。 Pritam Singh, the Leader of the Opposition in Singapore, will face trial on October 14 for allegedly lying to the Committee of Privileges during an investigation into former MP Raeesah Khan’s false claims about a sexual assault incident. 根据《议会(特权、豁免和权力)法》,Singh面临两项指控。 Singh faces two charges under the Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act. 如果被定罪,他可能面临最高达7 000美元的罚款或最高达三年的监禁,这标志着根据该法进行的历史性起诉。 If convicted, he could face a fine of up to $7,000 or a prison term of up to three years, marking a historic prosecution under this law.