缅因州的落叶因气候变化而断裂,影响旅游业和地方生态系统。 Maine's fall foliage disrupted by climate change, affecting tourism and local ecosystems.
气候变化正在影响缅因州的落叶,造成叶叶季节变化的延误和中断。 Climate change is affecting Maine's fall foliage, causing delays and disruptions in the seasonal changes of leaves. 温度变暖和天气模式改变正在影响秋色的时机和活力,而秋色对旅游业和当地生态系统至关重要。 Warmer temperatures and altered weather patterns are impacting the timing and vibrancy of the autumn colors, which are crucial for tourism and local ecosystems. 这一转变不仅影响审美吸引力,而且对国家经济和环境健康产生更广泛的影响。 This shift not only affects the aesthetic appeal but also has broader implications for the state's economy and environmental health.