由逆时针旋转驱动并受大小、风速和沿海地理影响的风暴潮造成大多数飓风死亡。 Hurricane storm surges, driven by counterclockwise rotation and influenced by size, wind speed, and coastal geography, cause most hurricane fatalities.
风暴潮是飓风期间死亡的主要原因,风暴的逆时针旋转将水推向海岸线,尤其是右侧。 Storm surges are the leading cause of fatalities during hurricanes, driven by the storm's counterclockwise rotation that pushes water toward coastlines, especially on the right side. 风暴高地受飓风大小、风速和沿海地理(包括海湾和小湾)等因素的影响。 Surge height is influenced by factors like hurricane size, wind speed, and the coastal geography, including bays and inlets. 当风暴潮与高潮同时发生时,其影响就会加剧,极端的潮流比正常水平高出28英尺,不包括波高。 When a storm surge coincides with high tide, its impact is intensified, with extreme surges reaching up to 28 feet above normal levels, excluding wave height.