前总统特朗普在佐治亚州竞选,讨论通货膨胀并批评副总统哈里斯的政策。 Former President Trump campaigns in Georgia, discussing inflation and criticizing VP Harris's policies.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普将在佐治亚州竞选,周二在科布县举行集会,福赛斯县的市政厅周三在福克斯新闻上播出。 Former President Donald Trump will campaign in Georgia, with a rally in Cobb County on Tuesday and a town hall in Forsyth County airing on Fox News Wednesday. 他计划讨论通货膨胀问题,并批评副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯的政策。 He plans to discuss inflation and criticize Vice President Kamala Harris's policies. 最近奎尼皮亚克的民意测验显示,特朗普在格鲁吉亚可能投票的选民中领先50%的支持率,而哈里斯的支持率是44%。 A recent Quinnipiac poll shows Trump leading with 50% support among likely voters in Georgia, compared to Harris's 44%. 特朗普在11月选举之前 计划在州里举行更多活动 Trump has additional events scheduled in the state leading up to the November election.