2025年 道奇队投手Gavin Stone因肩部手术 错过赛季 影响开始轮值 2025 Dodgers pitcher Gavin Stone to miss season due to shoulder surgery, impacting starting rotation.
由于10月9日进行的肩部手术,道奇队投手Gavin Stone将错过2025年整个季节。 Dodgers pitcher Gavin Stone is set to miss the entire 2025 season due to shoulder surgery performed on October 9. 他在2023赛季表现出色,140.1局均有3.53比分,他的缺席对球队的首发轮换造成了重大关注. He had a strong 2023 season with a 3.53 ERA over 140.1 innings, making his absence a significant concern for the team's starting rotation. 由于伤病和自由球员带来的不确定性,道奇队可能会在这个休赛期专注于增强他们的投手阵容,同时考虑高知名度和中端自由球员的选择。 With uncertainties arising from injuries and free agency, the Dodgers are likely to focus on enhancing their pitching staff this offseason, considering both high-profile and mid-tier free agent options.