10月26日, 万圣节活动“Treat Accessibly”扩大至渥太华的Glebe街区。 Accessible Halloween event 'Treat Accessibly' expands to Ottawa's Glebe neighborhood on October 26th.
Treat Accessibly 是一项致力于让万圣节对残障人士具有包容性的运动。 Treat Accessibly is a movement focused on making Halloween inclusive for individuals with disabilities. 它在安全、封闭的区域组织白天活动,提供非糖果零食,并最大限度地减少吵闹或可怕的元素。 It organizes daytime events in safe, closed-off areas, offering non-candy treats and minimizing loud or frightening elements. 即将于 10 月 26 日在渥太华的 Glebe 社区举行的活动将有 16 个家庭和活动,如手工艺品和照相亭。 An upcoming event in Ottawa's Glebe neighborhood on October 26th will feature 16 homes and activities like crafts and a photo booth. 组织者Shauna Pollock和Eliot Newton旨在为包括残疾成年人在内的所有参与者创造一个有趣的安全环境。 Organizers Shauna Pollock and Eliot Newton aim to create a fun, safe environment for all participants, including adults with disabilities.