33 岁和 34 岁的贝辛斯托克男子因危险驾驶造成车祸而被捕,一名男子在 M3 高速公路上住院。 33-year-old and 34-year-old Basingstoke men arrested for dangerous driving causing a crash, one man hospitalized on M3 motorway.
10月4日晚上10点22分,一辆银色的本田市民车在M3高速公路附近的贝辛斯托克撞上了一棵树. On October 4, at 10:22 PM, a silver Honda Civic crashed into a tree on the M3 motorway near Basingstoke. 两名男子,33岁和34岁,来自Basingstoke,因涉嫌危险驾驶严重伤害而被捕,在调查中获释。 Two men, aged 33 and 34 from Basingstoke, were arrested for suspected serious injury by dangerous driving and have been released under investigation. 一人住院,高速公路于次日早上7点关闭。 One individual was hospitalized, and the motorway was closed until 7 AM the next day. 警方通过101号查询信息,引用44240431989号参考资料。 Police seek information via 101, quoting reference 44240431989.