10月4日, 一辆银色本田公民车撞到Basingstoke附近的M3高速公路上的一棵树, On October 4, a silver Honda Civic crashed into a tree on the M3 motorway near Basingstoke, seriously injuring the driver.
10月4日,一辆银色的本田Civic在巴辛斯托克附近的M3高速公路上撞上了一棵树,导致司机严重受伤. On October 4, a silver Honda Civic crashed into a tree on the M3 motorway near Basingstoke, resulting in serious injuries to the driver. 应急服务关闭了这两条运输道,以便作出反应。 Emergency services closed both carriageways for response. 当局正在寻找目击者和行车记录仪录像,特别是来自包括一名摩托车手在内的车辆,这些车辆在没有分享信息的情况下离开了现场。 Authorities are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage, particularly from vehicles, including a motorcyclist, that left the scene without sharing information. 任何有详细信息的人,请联系警方,编号44240431989。 Anyone with details should contact the police, referencing number 44240431989.