50岁的合同杀手Raju Banarsi因2013年德里谋杀案被通缉,在Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand边境被德里犯罪处逮捕。 50-year-old contract killer Raju Banarsi, wanted for 2013 Delhi murder, arrested at Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand border by Delhi Crime Branch.
Raju Banarsi是一名50岁的合同杀手,因2013年在德里的谋杀而被通缉11年以上,他已被Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand边境德里犯罪处逮捕。 Raju Banarsi, a 50-year-old contract killer wanted for over 11 years for a 2013 murder in Delhi, has been arrested by the Delhi Crime Branch at the Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand border. 他涉嫌参与受害人兄弟策划的一起财产纠纷谋杀。 He was implicated in a property dispute murder orchestrated by the victim's brother. 尽管警方逃避抓捕和悬赏他的头部,但警方利用技术和当地援助找到他。 Despite evading capture and a bounty on his head, police used technology and local assistance to locate him. 所有其他共犯以前都曾被捕。 All other accomplices had been previously arrested.