71%的Seyne-les-Alpes居民投票关闭Grand Puy滑雪胜地, 71% of Seyne-les-Alpes residents voted to close Grand Puy ski resort due to environmental concerns and financial losses.
法国Seyne-les-Alpes的居民投票关闭Grand Puy滑雪胜地,原因是滑雪者人数减少、气候问题和每年350 000欧元的财政损失。 Residents of Seyne-les-Alpes, France, voted to close the Grand Puy ski resort due to declining skier numbers, climate issues, and financial losses of €350,000 annually. 在最近的一次全民投票中,71%的支持率得到71%的支持,这标志着一个重大转变,因为自1959年以来开始运作的度假胜地在法国成为第一个在环境问题下通过公共投票结束的度假胜地。 With 71% support in a recent referendum, this marks a significant shift as the resort, operational since 1959, becomes the first in France to close via public vote amid environmental concerns. 该镇计划投资于电子登山自行车和湖泊捕鱼等替代活动。 The town plans to invest in alternative activities like e-mountain biking and lake fishing.