10 月 11 日,牛津郡的一辆汽车被扔出一个南瓜,损坏了另一辆车的挡风玻璃。 On October 11, a pumpkin was thrown from a car in Oxfordshire, damaging another vehicle's windscreen.
10月11日, 英国牛津郡的一辆行驶汽车扔下南瓜, 损坏另一辆车的挡风玻璃。 On October 11, a pumpkin was thrown from a moving car in Oxfordshire, UK, damaging another vehicle's windscreen. 泰晤士河谷警方在 Facebook 上分享了图片,将罪犯贴上了“今晚的白痴”的标签。 Thames Valley Police shared images on Facebook, labeling the offenders as "tonight's idiots." 当局指出,虽然目标司机只受到轻微擦伤,但事件可能更为严重。 While the targeted driver suffered only minor scratches, authorities noted the incident could have been more serious. 确切地点仍未透露,警方也没有提供进一步详情。 The exact location remains undisclosed, and further details from the police have not been provided.