NHL 过渡到亚马逊上的流媒体,反映了媒体消费的更广泛趋势。 NHL transitions to streaming on Amazon, reflecting broader trends in media consumption.
Mark Messier 承认,NHL 向 Amazon 流媒体的过渡标志着联盟的重大转变。 Mark Messier acknowledges that the NHL's transition to streaming on Amazon marks a significant shift for the league. 他强调,这一变化是不可避免的,反映了媒体消费的广泛趋势。 He emphasizes that this change is unavoidable and reflects broader trends in media consumption. 随着NHL适应新的平台,它既面临挑战,也面临机会,在不断变化的数字景观中接触受众。 As the NHL adapts to new platforms, it faces both challenges and opportunities in reaching its audience in the evolving digital landscape.