马尼托巴省内阁部长的省外旅费现已在网上公布,但随行人事费仍未公布。 Manitoba cabinet ministers' out-of-province travel expenses are now published online, but accompanying staff costs remain undisclosed.
马尼托巴省内阁部长的省外差旅费现已在一年多后上网公布。 Manitoba cabinet ministers' out-of-province travel expenses are now being published online after more than a year. 然而,陪同政治和部门工作人员的开支仍未披露,引起对透明度的关切。 However, expenses for accompanying political and department staff remain undisclosed, raising concerns about transparency. 包括反对党领袖Wayne Ewasko在内的批评者主张列入工作人员费用,以提供更清楚的财务情况。 Critics, including opposition leader Wayne Ewasko, argue for including staff costs to provide a clearer financial picture. Wab Kinew总理指示张贴最新的支出记录,以加强问责制。 Premier Wab Kinew has directed the posting of more recent expense records to enhance accountability.