马尼托巴省总理Wab Kinew改组内阁,增设一个新的以技术为重点的部门和其他两个角色。 Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew reshuffles cabinet, adding a new tech-focused department and two other roles.
马尼托巴总理Wab Kinew改组内阁, 增加三名新成员, 包括Mike Moroz, Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew reshuffled his cabinet, adding three new members including Mike Moroz, who will head a new Innovation and New Technology department aimed at growing the tech industry and modernizing services. Mintu Sandhu将监督公共服务,Nellie Kennedy将管理体育、文化、遗产和旅游业。 Mintu Sandhu will oversee public services, and Nellie Kennedy will manage Sport, Culture, Heritage, and Tourism. 现有内阁关键作用保持不变。 Key existing cabinet roles remain unchanged. Kinew旨在使马尼托巴人对更美好的未来抱有希望。 Kinew aims to give Manitobans hope for a better future.