康涅狄格州强调在10月解决青年社会问题,重点是防止欺凌、药物滥用和亲密伴侣暴力。 Connecticut emphasizes addressing youth social issues in October, focusing on preventing bullying, substance abuse, and intimate partner violence.
该条强调,迫切需要解决影响康涅狄格州青年的社会问题,特别是在10月份,这个月的重点是青年司法。 The article emphasizes the urgent need to address social issues impacting Connecticut youth, particularly in October, a month focused on youth justice. 报告强调了防止欺凌、药物滥用和亲密伴侣暴力,同时使青年远离青少年系统的重要性。 It highlights the importance of preventing bullying, substance abuse, and intimate partner violence while keeping youth away from the juvenile system. 关键因素包括养育子女的压力、贫穷和种族主义。 Key factors include parenting stresses, poverty, and racism. 社区伙伴关系和辅导方案, 如我哥哥的守护者, 是支持、培养抗御力、促进弱势青年积极道路的关键。 Community partnerships and mentoring programs like My Brother's Keeper are essential for providing support, fostering resilience, and promoting positive paths for vulnerable youth.