英国航空公司取消了数百次航班,原因是波音787梦想客机的劳斯莱斯特伦特1000发动机问题. British Airways cancels hundreds of flights due to Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine issues on Boeing 787 Dreamliners.
由于波音 787 梦想客机机队的劳斯莱斯遄达 1000 发动机存在维护问题,英国航空公司已取消了数百个航班。 British Airways has canceled hundreds of flights due to maintenance problems with Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines on its Boeing 787 Dreamliner fleet. 引擎问题导致15%的飞机停飞,导致几条航线停飞,包括通往马来西亚和纽约肯尼迪机场的航线。 The engine issues have resulted in the grounding of 15% of the aircraft, leading to the suspension of several routes, including those to Malaysia and New York's JFK. 劳斯莱斯正面临供应链制约,这些制约妨碍了零部件的供应。 Rolls-Royce is struggling with supply chain constraints that hinder parts availability. BA已经向受影响的乘客道歉,并正在制订替代安排。 BA has apologized to affected passengers and is working on alternative arrangements.