Kevin Sinfield 每周每天超过50公里, 为运动神经元疾病筹集资金。 Ex-rugby player Kevin Sinfield runs over 50 km daily for a week to raise funds for motor neurone disease.
前橄榄球运动员Kevin Sinfield(Kevin Sinfield)已推出第五次年度圣诞挑战家庭跑步运动, 旨在为运动神经疾病(MND)募集资金和认识, Former rugby player Kevin Sinfield has launched his fifth annual Running Home For Christmas challenge, aiming to raise funds and awareness for motor neurone disease (MND) by running over 50 kilometers each day for a week. 为了纪念他已故的队友Rob Burrow死于国防部, 这一挑战自Burrow在2019年诊断以来已经筹集了超过1600万英镑。 The challenge, in memory of his late teammate Rob Burrow who died from MND, has already raised over £16 million since Burrow's diagnosis in 2019. Sinfield的旅程始于利物浦, 终点在他的家乡Saddleworth, 路过几个英国城市。 Sinfield’s journey starts in Liverpool and ends in his home town, Saddleworth, passing through several UK cities. 每天包括一次由MND社群成员参加的“远足之旅”活动。 Each day includes an "Extra Mile" event with MND community members. 威廉王子赞扬这项努力,认为这是对Burrow遗产的恰当赞扬。 Prince William praised the effort as a fitting tribute to Burrow’s legacy.