乌拉圭将养恤金改革中的退休年龄从65岁降低到60岁的问题举行全民投票。 Uruguay to hold a referendum on lowering retirement age from 65 to 60 in pension reform.
乌拉圭正准备就养恤金改革举行全民投票,提议将退休年龄从65岁降低到60岁。 Uruguay is preparing for a referendum on pension reform that proposes lowering the retirement age from 65 to 60. 在左翼工会的支持下,改革旨在提高工人的退休福利,但引起了投资者对国家金融稳定的关切。 Supported by left-wing unions, the change aims to enhance workers' retirement benefits but raises concerns among investors about the country's financial stability. 批评者警告说,这可能会增加公共债务,使养恤基金转账复杂化,并危及乌拉圭的投资级信用评级,特别是考虑到其人口老龄化。 Critics warn it could increase public debt, complicate pension fund transfers, and jeopardize Uruguay's investment-grade credit rating, especially given its aging population.