厄巴纳医院于 10 月 21 日举办献血活动,为献血者提供奖励。 Urbana Hospital hosts a blood drive on October 21, offering incentives for donors.
厄巴纳医院将于 10 月 21 日上午 11 点至下午 2 点在 Scioto 街 904 号举办献血活动,为献血者提供“抗癌”T 恤和巧克力奶昔。 Urbana Hospital is hosting a blood drive on October 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 904 Scioto St., offering a "Fight Cancer" t-shirt and a chocolate milkshake for donors. 另外在布鲁克维尔和克莱顿的捐血活动将于10月9日举行, Additional blood drives in Brookville and Clayton will occur on October 9, honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 捐赠者可以通过 www.donortime.com 或 Donor Time 应用程序注册,在 10 月 26 日之前捐赠的人可能会赢得俄亥俄州立大学对密歇根州的门票。 Donors can register via www.donortime.com or the Donor Time app, and those who donate by October 26 may win Ohio State vs. Michigan tickets.