5名巴勒斯坦人因抢劫以色列第二寺庙时代考古遗址而被捕。 5 Palestinians arrested for looting Second Temple-era archaeological site in Israel.
巴勒斯坦Surif村的5个人因抢劫Ramat Beit Shemesh附近考古遗址Kherbat Umm A-Ross被捕。 Five individuals from the Palestinian village of Surif were arrested for looting an archaeological site, Kherbat Umm A-Ros, near Ramat Beit Shemesh. 该团伙在行动中被抓获,他们利用挖掘工具和金属探测器盗窃第二寺庙时期的文物。 The group was caught in the act, using digging tools and metal detectors to steal artifacts from the Second Temple period. 以色列文物管理局和警察进行了干预,防止了进一步的破坏。 The Israel Antiquities Authority and police intervened, preventing further damage. 嫌疑人面临严重的指控,包括非法进入以色列并对现场造成无法弥补的伤害。 The suspects face severe charges, including illegal entry into Israel and causing irreparable harm to the site.