Ice Nine Kills 为 Terrifier 3 发行了“A Work of Art”歌曲和 15 分钟的音乐视频,其中包括小丑 Art。 Ice Nine Kills releases "A Work of Art" song and 15-min music video for Terrifier 3, featuring Art the Clown.
Ice Nine Kills 为即将上映的恐怖片 Terrifier 3 发行了一首新歌“A Work of Art”,其中引用了反派小丑 Art。 Ice Nine Kills has released a new song, "A Work of Art," for the upcoming horror film Terrifier 3, referencing the villain Art the Clown. 伴随着15分钟的音乐视频,该剧中演员介绍了乐队经理讨论版权问题,并计划在昏迷状态下用AI取代主唱Spencer Charnas. Accompanied by a 15-minute music video, the skit features the band's manager discussing copyright issues and plans to replace lead singer Spencer Charnas with AI while he is in a coma. Charnas唤醒并恢复表演。 Charnas awakens and resumes performing. 这首歌在数字平台上播放, 音乐视频可在YouTube上观看。 The song is available on digital platforms, and the music video can be viewed on YouTube.