Terricor 3, 一种令人发指的小丑恐怖, 赚取89M美元, 令人震惊的观众, 并禁止法国青少年使用。 Terrifier 3, a gory clown horror, earns $89M, shocking audiences and banned for teens in France.
Terrifier 3 是一部低成本恐怖电影,由可怕的小丑角色 Art the Clown 主演,已获得超过 8900 万美元的收入,超过了高预算电影 Joker: Folie à Deux。 Terrifier 3, a low-budget horror movie featuring the gruesome clown character Art the Clown, has earned over $89 million, outperforming the high-budget film Joker: Folie à Deux. Terrifier 3 以极端暴力而闻名,导致观众晕倒和呕吐,并在法国被禁止 16 岁以下观众观看。 Known for extreme violence, Terrifier 3 has led to audience fainting and vomiting, and is banned for under-16s in France. 这部影片延续了专卖权的神话, 艺术与一个新的共犯维多利亚(Victoria)联手, 并且是圣诞恐怖故事的一部分, 无视典型的恐怖电影惯例。 The film continues the franchise's mythology, with Art joined by a new accomplice, Victoria, and is part of the Christmas horror genre, defying typical horror movie conventions.