约克郡和诺森伯兰的度假公园参加了英国大海滩清洁项目,收集垃圾以保护环境。 Holiday parks in Yorkshire and Northumberland participated in the Great British Beach Clean, collecting litter for environmental preservation.
约克郡和诺森伯兰的度假公园参加了英国大海滩清洁项目,为沿海清洁工作作出了贡献。 Holiday parks in Yorkshire and Northumberland participated in the Great British Beach Clean, contributing to coastal cleanup efforts. 来自Cayton Bay湾度假公园和其他地点的志愿者收集垃圾,以帮助保护环境。 Volunteers from Cayton Bay holiday park and other locations collected litter to help preserve the environment. 该倡议旨在提高对维护清洁海滩和保护海洋生态系统重要性的认识。 This initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining clean beaches and protecting marine ecosystems.