治愈海湾组织的报告指出,帕西菲卡的琳达玛海滩和圣马特奥的湖滨公园是加州污染最严重的海滩之一。 Heal the Bay's report identifies Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica and Lakeshore Park in San Mateo as among California's most polluted beaches.
治愈海湾组织的报告将帕西菲卡的琳达玛海滩和圣马刁的湖滨公园列为加州污染最严重的海滩,而圣马刁县的海滩则经常出现在“最令人扫兴的海滩”名单上。 Heal the Bay's report names Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica and Lakeshore Park in San Mateo as among California's most polluted beaches, with San Mateo County beaches regularly appearing on the "beach bummers" list. 该报告评估了干燥夏季、干燥冬季和潮湿天气期间的海滩清洁度,并强调了圣马刁县有针对性的污染管理策略的必要性。 The report evaluates beach cleanliness during dry summer months, dry winter periods, and wet weather events, and highlights the need for targeted pollution management strategies in San Mateo County.