CM Punk在最近一次采访中哀悼摔跤手Bray Wyatt和Brodie Lee的年轻死亡。 CM Punk mourns the young deaths of wrestlers Bray Wyatt and Brodie Lee in a recent interview.
在最近接受“无比赛摔跤”采访时,CM Punk 对摔跤手 Bray Wyatt 和 Brodie Lee 的去世表示悲痛,他们都英年早逝,怀亚特于 2022 年 8 月去世,李于 2020 年 12 月去世。 In a recent interview on "No-Contest Wrestling," CM Punk expressed his sadness over the deaths of wrestlers Bray Wyatt and Brodie Lee, both of whom died young, with Wyatt passing in August 2022 and Lee in December 2020. Punk反省了他们遭受的不及时损失的痛苦,特别是考虑到双方都有年轻家庭。 Punk reflected on the pain of their untimely losses, especially given that both had young families. 他指出,摔跤界往往面临这种悲剧,使他们的死感到特别不公平。 He noted that the wrestling community often faces such tragedies, making their deaths feel particularly unfair.