Seth Rollins讨论他与前导师CM Punk的争吵, Seth Rollins discusses his feud with former mentor CM Punk, ahead of their January 6th match.
赛斯·罗林斯在一次采访中 讨论了他与CM Punk的争斗 一个长期的朋友变成了竞争对手 Seth Rollins discussed his feud with CM Punk, a longtime friend turned rival, in an interview. Rollins谈到Punk曾是帮助他进入WWW的导师, 但是当2014年Punk离开公司后, Rollins spoke about how Punk was once a mentor who helped him get into WWE, but their relationship soured when Punk left the company in 2014 and distanced himself from Rollins and others. Rollins相信WWWE在Punk的缺席下已经兴旺了 Rollins believes WWE has thrived in Punk's absence. 他们即将在1月6日的比赛被视为摔跤中的一件大事,他们的复杂历史对此起到了推动作用。 Their upcoming match on January 6th is seen as a significant event in wrestling, fueled by their complicated history.