由 LBC 支持的 Charity Global 的 Make Some Noise 为英国帮助无家可归者和限制生命的疾病的项目筹集资金。 Charity Global's Make Some Noise, supported by LBC, raises funds for UK projects aiding homelessness and life-limiting illnesses.
LBC的慈善组织“全球制造噪音”支持小型项目, 帮助面临诸如限制生命的疾病和无家可归等重大挑战的个人。 Global's Make Some Noise, LBC's charity, supports small projects aiding individuals facing significant challenges like life-limiting illnesses and homelessness. 可以通过亚历克斯、电话、文字或邮递等在线方式捐款,建议金额10英镑、20英镑和30英镑。 Donations can be made online, via Alexa, by phone, text, or post, with suggested amounts of £10, £20, and £30. 慈善基金资助基本服务,包括食品银行和心理健康方案,确保向有需要的人提供关键支助。 The charity funds essential services, including food banks and mental health programs, ensuring crucial support for those in need. 所有捐款都直接使联合王国的社区受益。 All contributions directly benefit communities in the UK.