San Antonio广播电台为Christus儿童医院筹集资金,向捐助者颁发奖品。 San Antonio radio stations raise funds for Christus Children's Hospital, offering prizes to donors.
几个San Antonio广播电台正在主办无线电台,为Christos儿童医院筹集资金,鼓励捐款,并提供商品和奖品。 Several San Antonio radio stations are hosting radiothons to raise funds for Christus Children's Hospital, encouraging donations and offering merchandise and prizes. 捐助方可以成为“MIRACLE MakerRS”, 每月捐款20美元, 有资格获得音乐会票和电子产品等奖项。 Donors can become "MIRACLE MAKERS" by making a $20 monthly donation, qualifying them for prizes like concert tickets and electronics. 在特定时间可以提供匹配的捐款,筹集的资金将有助于解决圣安东尼奥儿童的重要健康问题。 Matching donations are available during specific hours, and funds raised will help address critical health issues for children in San Antonio.