布里斯托尔警察局于10月12日为倒下警官De Monte和Hamzy举行纪念仪式。 Bristol Police Department unveils memorial for fallen officers DeMonte and Hamzy on Oct 12.
10月12日, 康涅狄格州布里斯托尔警察局将揭幕一个悼念阵亡警官的纪念碑, On October 12, the Bristol Police Department in Connecticut will unveil a memorial honoring fallen officers Lieutenant Dustin DeMonte and Sergeant Alex Hamzy, killed in the line of duty two years ago. 展览将展示成为社区纪念品的警察巡洋舰的门。 The display will feature the doors of a police cruiser that became a community memorial. 公开揭幕仪式定于上午 11 点举行,警察工会将于 10 月 13 日举行私人敬献花圈仪式。 A public unveiling is set for 11 a.m., with a private wreath-laying ceremony by the police union on October 13. 马克·莫雷略酋长感谢社区不断提供支持。 Chief Mark Morello thanked the community for its ongoing support.