密歇根州44岁的男子Brien A. Burton被控7项联邦罪状,据称攻击国会警察,并在1月6日暴乱期间破坏屏障。 44-year-old Michigan man Brien A. Burton charged with 7 federal counts, alleged assault on Capitol police officers and barrier breaching during January 6th riots.
Brien A. Burton,44岁,密歇根州米德兰人,被控7项联邦罪状,涉及他涉嫌参与1月6日的国会暴动。 Brien A. Burton, a 44-year-old from Midland, Michigan, has been charged with seven federal counts related to his alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots. 他被控攻击多位都城警官,并打破障碍。 He is accused of assaulting multiple Capitol police officers and breaching barriers. Burton如果被定罪,将面临长达10年的监禁。 Burton faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. 他的传讯尚待审理,他以前于2023年8月被捕,罪名是无关联的缓刑违规和跟踪指控。 His arraignment is pending, and he was previously arrested in August 2023 for unrelated probation violation and stalking charges.