23岁的Austin Rippe 在密苏里被捕 罪名是二级谋杀 和入室盗窃 23-year-old Austin Rippe arrested in Missouri for second-degree murder and burglary in a fatal home invasion on October 2.
Austin Rippe,23岁,被逮捕并被指控在密苏里州Camden县与一起致命的入室盗窃案有关的二级谋杀和二级入室盗窃。 Austin Rippe, 23, has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder and second-degree burglary linked to a fatal burglary in Camden County, Missouri. 这起事件发生在10月2日,其间嫌疑人Derek Wayman被房主开枪打死。 The incident occurred on October 2 during which Derek Wayman, a suspect, was shot and killed by the homeowner. 据报告,Rippe逃离现场,但在斯普林菲尔德被捕。 Rippe reportedly fled the scene but was apprehended in Springfield. 他目前持有250 000美元的保证金,11月面临法庭诉讼。 He is currently held on a $250,000 bond and faces court proceedings in November.