美国海军MH-60R海鹰直升机于10月10日紧急降落在日本Chigasaki海滩,原因是违规,没有关于受伤或损坏的报告。 U.S. Navy MH-60R Seahawk helicopter made emergency landing at Chigasaki Beach, Japan, on October 10 due to irregularities, no injuries or damages reported.
美国海军MH-60R海鹰直升机于2024年10月10日在日本Chigasaki海滩进行了预防性紧急降落,原因是发现了违规行为。 A U.S. Navy MH-60R Seahawk helicopter made a precautionary emergency landing at Chigasaki Beach in Japan on October 10, 2024, due to detected irregularities. 该直升机由三名机组人员组成,于上午11时05分左右安全降落,没有受伤或损坏的报告。 The helicopter, with three crew members, landed safely around 11:05 a.m., with no injuries or damages reported. 地方当局正在调查这起事件,日本防卫大臣已敦促美军在此次紧急降落和之前的紧急降落后加强安全措施。 Local authorities are investigating the incident, and Japan's Defense Minister has urged U.S. forces to enhance safety measures following this and a previous emergency landing.