今年 4 月,日本海上自卫队直升机相撞事故中 7 名失踪机组人员被宣布死亡,致使死亡人数增至 8 人。 7 missing crew members from a Japanese MSDF helicopter collision in April are declared dead, raising the death toll to 8.
日本防卫省宣布 4 月份日本海上自卫队 (MSDF) 直升机相撞事件中失踪的 7 名机组人员死亡,使得死亡人数增至 8 人。 7 missing crew members from a Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) helicopter collision in April have been declared dead by Japan's Defense Ministry, increasing the death toll to eight. 两架SH-60K直升机4月20日在伊豆群岛附近的一次夜间演习中坠毁,目前仅找到一具尸体。 The two SH-60K helicopters crashed during a night drill on April 20 near Izu Islands, with only one body recovered so far. 该型直升机在夜间训练飞行中曾发生过事故。 This type of helicopter has experienced previous accidents during nighttime training flights.