Maharashtra govt因一名致命的保时捷撞车案的宽大保释条件而解雇两名少年司法委员会成员。 (30个字符) Maharashtra govt dismisses two Juvenile Justice Board members over lenient bail conditions in a fatal Porsche crash case. (30 chars)
马哈拉施特拉邦政府开除了浦那的少年司法委员会的两名成员,因为他们在涉及一名17岁的司机与一起致命的保时捷坠毁事件有关的案件中滥用了他们的权力。 The Maharashtra government has dismissed two members of the Juvenile Justice Board in Pune for misusing their authority in a case involving a 17-year-old driver linked to a fatal Porsche crash. 在妇女和儿童发展部进行调查之后,L.N.成员 After an investigation by the Women and Child Development Department, members L.N. Danwade和Kavita Thorat在给予宽大条件的保释后,被认定犯有程序失误和不当行为,包括一篇300字的关于道路安全的文章。 Danwade and Kavita Thorat were found guilty of procedural lapses and misconduct after granting bail with lenient conditions, including a 300-word essay on road safety.