联邦上诉法院确认对纽约市地铁枪手 Frank James的无期徒刑 Federal appeals court affirms life sentence for Frank James, New York City subway shooter.
联邦上诉法院维持了Frank James的无期徒刑,他于2022年4月在纽约市地铁上枪杀了10人。 A federal appeals court has upheld the life sentence of Frank James, who shot ten people on a New York City subway in April 2022. James因与这次袭击有关的多项罪名被定罪,认为他无意杀人。 Convicted of multiple counts related to the attack, James argued he lacked intent to kill. 法院不同意这一点,援引了证明他意图的证据和关于暴力的先前陈述。 The court disagreed, citing evidence of his intent and prior statements about violence. James对11项指控认罪,同时被判处10项无期徒刑,另加10年,上诉请求被驳回。 James had pleaded guilty to 11 charges, receiving ten concurrent life sentences plus an additional ten years, with the appeal requests denied.