在飓风米尔顿对佛罗里达的处理中, 错误信息以假图像和视频的形式在网上传播。 During Hurricane Milton's approach to Florida, misinformation spreads online in the form of fake images and videos.
随着飓风“米尔顿”临近佛罗里达州,假图象和视频形式的错误信息正在网上扩散。 As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, misinformation in the form of fake images and videos is proliferating online. ABC News Verify 提供识别这些假货的策略:检查来源、检查议程、比较时间表以及使用反向图像搜索工具。 ABC News Verify provides strategies to identify these fakes: check the source, examine the agenda, compare timelines, and use reverse image search tools. 大部分误导内容由“廉价假货”组成, 而基因化的人工智能的崛起可能会在未来导致更复杂的深层假象。 Most of the misleading content consists of "cheapfakes," while the rise of generative AI may lead to more sophisticated deepfakes in the future.