NPP 副总统候选人的妻子 Alma Adade-Prempeh 在圣特蕾莎节庆祝活动中呼吁爱、团结和集体责任,将这些价值观与 NPP 联系起来。 Alma Adade-Prempeh, wife of NPP VP candidate, called for love, unity, and collective responsibility at St. Theresa's Feast Day Celebration, linking these values to the NPP'
NPP 副总统候选人的妻子 Alma Pokua Adade-Prempeh 敦促加纳人在 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Society 的节日庆祝活动中优先考虑爱和团结,以促进国家发展。 Alma Pokua Adade-Prempeh, wife of the NPP Vice Presidential Candidate, urged Ghanaians to prioritize love and unity for national development at the St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Society's Feast Day Celebration. 她强调了集体责任、服务和同情心,将这些价值观与全国人民党的包容性发展愿景联系起来,该愿景的重点是赋予妇女和青年权力、教育和创造就业,这是一个繁荣社会的关键。 She emphasized collective responsibility, service, and compassion, linking these values to the NPP's vision of inclusive development, which focuses on empowering women and youth, education, and job creation as vital for a prosperous society.