NPP 副总统候选人的妻子 Alma Prempeh 在 Odododiodoo 选区发起了竞选活动,得到了家人的祝福和支持,NPP 领导人出席了竞选活动。 Alma Prempeh, wife of NPP VP candidate, initiated campaign in Odododiodoo Constituency with family blessings and support, attended by NPP leaders.
全国人民党副主席候选人Matthew Opoku Prempeh博士夫人Alma Naa Jama Opoku Prempeh在Ododiodoo选区发起竞选活动,寻求母亲家庭的祝福。 Alma Naa Jama Opoku Prempeh, wife of NPP Vice-Presidential candidate Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, initiated her campaign in the Odododiodoo Constituency by seeking blessings from her maternal family. 全国人民党知名人士参加了这次活动,目的是在12月选举之前争取支持。 The event, attended by notable NPP figures, aimed to rally support ahead of the December elections. 家族长老 Nii Agyir Banor 强调了团结和忠诚,而地区部长 Nii Kwartei Titus Glover 则对她的候选人表示自豪,并鼓励支持 NPP。 Family elder Nii Agyir Banor highlighted unity and loyalty, while regional minister Nii Kwartei Titus Glover expressed pride in her candidacy and encouraged backing for the NPP.