威斯康星州最高法院审查Evers州长400年学校资助扩大否决权的合法性。 Wisconsin Supreme Court reviews legality of Governor Evers' 400-year school funding extension veto.
威斯康星州最高法院正在审查对托尼·埃弗斯总督2023年否决的一项法律质疑,这项否决将公立学校经费增加400年。 The Wisconsin Supreme Court is reviewing a legal challenge to Governor Tony Evers' 2023 veto that extended public school funding increases for 400 years. 通过改变立法语言,埃弗斯每年增加每名学生325美元的资金,直到2425年. Evers increased funding by $325 per student annually until 2425 by altering legislative language. 批评者认为,这种使用否决权的做法违反了1990年禁止这种改变的宪法修正案。 Critics argue this use of veto power violates a 1990 constitutional amendment prohibiting such changes. 法院的裁决可能会影响威斯康辛州未来的总督否决权。 The court's ruling could impact future gubernatorial veto powers in Wisconsin.