一名男子在波士顿的罗克斯伯里被致命枪击身亡 事件正在调查中 A man was fatally shot in Roxbury, Boston, and the incident is under active investigation.
星期二清晨,在波士顿的罗克斯伯里,一名男子被枪杀。 A man was shot and killed in Roxbury, Boston, early Tuesday morning. 警方对关于凌晨1: 30左右哈蒙德街枪击事件的报道作出了回应。 Police responded to reports of the shooting on Hammond Street around 1:30 a.m. 受害者被送往医院,但后来宣布死亡。 The victim was taken to a hospital but later pronounced dead. 波士顿警察局已将这一事件归类为一项积极调查,并附有预期不久将释放的嫌疑人和动机的进一步详情。 The Boston Police Department has classified the incident as an active investigation, with further details about the suspect and motive expected to be released soon.