马来西亚农业部长计划审查对A、B和C级鸡蛋的补贴,以重新分配资金,每月节省1亿林吉特。 Malaysia's Agriculture Minister plans to review subsidy for grades A, B, and C chicken eggs to redirect funds and save RM100 million monthly.
马来西亚农业和粮食安全部长Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu宣布计划审查对A、B和C级鸡蛋的补贴,可能每月节省1亿林吉特。 Malaysia's Agriculture and Food Security Minister, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, announced plans to review subsidies for grades A, B, and C chicken eggs, potentially saving RM100 million monthly. 这一行动旨在将资金转用于其他农产食品部门的发展。 This move aims to redirect funds toward other agro-food sector developments. 自2022年2月以来,政府花费超过30亿林吉特用于鸡蛋补贴。 Since February 2022, the government has spent over RM3 billion on chicken and egg subsidies. 相关部委正在审议这一修改建议。 A proposal for this change is under consideration by relevant ministries.