马来西亚将调整RON95汽油补贴结构,到2025年年中从收入最高的15%群体和外国人中撤出。 Malaysia to restructure RON95 petrol subsidy, withdrawing from top 15% income group & foreigners by mid-2025.
马来西亚第二财政部长拿督斯里阿米尔哈姆扎阿兹赞宣布,政府正在分析数据,以确保汽油、健康和教育补贴针对正确的群体。 Malaysia's Finance Minister II, Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan, announced that the government is analyzing data to ensure subsidies for petrol, health, and education target the right groups. 将撤销对收入最高的15%群体和外国人的RON95补贴,以集中援助有需要的人。 The RON95 subsidy will be withdrawn for the top 15% income group and foreigners to focus aid on those in need. 新的收入分类方法将包括净收入,以提高公平性。 A new income classification method will include net income to enhance fairness. 预计到2025年年中,将实行双级RON95补贴制度,使85%的人口受益。 A two-tier RON95 subsidy system is expected by mid-2025, benefiting 85% of the population.